Best Commercial Property Management Software in 2023

Best Commercial Property Management SoftwareCommercial property management software streamlines the complex tasks involved in managing commercial properties, from lease administration to maintenance tracking and financial reporting.

This software offers customizable solutions that cater to various types of commercial properties, helping property managers efficiently handle tasks specific to retail, office, industrial, or mixed-use spaces.

Tenant portals integrated into the software empower tenants to handle rent payments, maintenance requests, and communications online, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.

Robust financial management tools within the software automate rent collection, track expenses, and generate comprehensive financial reports, allowing property managers to make informed decisions about property performance and investment strategies.

The data-driven insights and analytics provided by commercial property management software enable property owners and managers to optimize occupancy rates, reduce vacancies, and enhance the overall profitability of their commercial real estate portfolios.

Best Commercial Property Management Software

Best Commercial Property Management Software

There are several excellent commercial property management software options available, each offering different features to suit various needs.

Here are a few of the top options:

Yardi Voyager

Yardi Voyager is a comprehensive property management software designed to streamline various aspects of property management, from residential to commercial properties.

Here are some of the benefits of using Yardi Voyager:

Integrated PlatformYardi Voyager offers an all-in-one solution that integrates various property management functions, including accounting, leasing, maintenance, marketing, reporting, and more. This integration can lead to increased efficiency and reduced data duplication.
CustomizationThe software is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the platform to their specific property management needs. This flexibility ensures that the software can adapt to different property types and portfolio sizes.
Financial ManagementYardi Voyager provides robust financial management tools, such as automated rent collection, accounts payable and receivable, budgeting, and financial reporting. This can help property managers track income and expenses accurately.
Lease ManagementThe platform includes lease administration features, helping property managers track lease terms, rent escalations, vacancies, and renewals. This can aid in optimizing occupancy rates and maximizing revenue.
Tenant PortalsYardi Voyager offers tenant portals that enable tenants to make online rent payments, submit maintenance requests, and communicate with property managers, enhancing tenant satisfaction and convenience.

AppFolio Property Manager

Best Commercial Property Management Software

AppFolio Property Manager offers numerous benefits to property managers and landlords, making property management more efficient and effective.

Here are some of the key benefits:

User-Friendly Interface:AppFolio’s intuitive interface makes it easy for property managers to learn and navigate the software quickly, reducing the learning curve for new users.
Online Rent Payments:The platform allows tenants to make rent payments online, improving rent collection efficiency and offering tenants a convenient way to pay.
Tenant Screening:AppFolio provides tools for comprehensive tenant screening, including credit checks, background checks, and rental history verification, helping property managers select reliable tenants.
Maintenance Tracking:The software offers a system for tracking maintenance requests and work orders, streamlining communication between tenants, property managers, and maintenance staff.
Mobile Accessibility:AppFolio’s mobile app enables property managers and landlords to access essential property information and perform tasks while on the go.

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MRI Commercial Management

MRI Commercial Management offers a range of benefits for property owners and managers involved in commercial real estate management.

Here are some of the key advantages:

Comprehensive Commercial SolutionsMRI Commercial Management is tailored specifically for commercial properties, providing specialized tools for lease administration, property accounting, financial reporting, and tenant management.
Lease ManagementThe software assists in efficiently managing lease agreements, tracking critical dates, terms, rent escalations, and lease options, reducing the risk of errors and missed deadlines.
Financial ManagementMRI Commercial Management offers robust financial features, including accounts payable and receivable, budgeting, expense tracking, and detailed financial reporting. These tools help property managers optimize revenue and expenses.
Tenant RelationsThe platform enables property managers to effectively communicate with tenants, handle service requests, and manage tenant interactions, enhancing tenant satisfaction and retention.
Work Order ManagementThe software streamlines maintenance operations with tools for tracking work orders, scheduling preventive maintenance, and managing vendor relationships, leading to improved property maintenance and tenant experience.

Building Engines

Building Engines offers a range of benefits for property owners, managers, and facility teams involved in commercial property management.

Here are some of the key advantages:

Maintenance ManagementBuilding Engines provides tools for efficient work order management and preventive maintenance scheduling, ensuring that properties are well-maintained and operational issues are addressed promptly.
Tenant ExperienceThe platform includes tenant portals and communication tools that enhance tenant engagement and satisfaction by allowing them to submit requests, access important information, and communicate with property management easily.
Vendor ManagementBuilding Engines facilitates vendor communication and management, streamlining the process of hiring contractors, tracking their performance, and ensuring timely completion of tasks.
Mobile AccessibilityThe software’s mobile app enables property managers and maintenance teams to access work orders, inspection checklists, and other property-related information while on the go.
Inspection and ComplianceBuilding Engines allows users to perform property inspections and track compliance with safety regulations, minimizing risks and maintaining a safe environment.

RealPage Commercial Property Management

Best Commercial Property Management Software

RealPage Commercial Property Management offers a range of benefits for property owners, managers, and investors involved in commercial real estate management.

Here are some of the key advantages:

Lease ManagementRealPage Commercial Property Management provides tools for lease administration, tracking lease terms, renewals, and rent escalations, ensuring accurate and efficient management of lease agreements.
Financial ManagementThe software offers robust financial features, including automated rent collection, accounts payable and receivable, budgeting, and comprehensive financial reporting, helping property managers optimize revenue and expenses.
Tenant PortalsRealPage includes tenant portals that enable tenants to make online rent payments, submit maintenance requests, and communicate with property managers easily, enhancing tenant satisfaction.
Maintenance TrackingThe platform streamlines maintenance operations with work order management and preventive maintenance scheduling, ensuring properties are well-maintained and operational issues are promptly addressed.
Mobile AccessibilityRealPage’s mobile app enables property managers, maintenance teams, and tenants to access important property information and perform tasks on the go.

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Remember that the “best” software depends on your specific requirements, property portfolio size, budget, and the features you prioritize.

It’s a good idea to research each option, possibly try out demos, and consider speaking with other property managers to gather their insights before making a decision.

Additionally, new software options may have emerged since my last update, so be sure to explore the latest offerings.

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